First First Released: 1999
Seven pieces, each seven minutes long, set to each of the Chakra energy points.
Experience an amazing adventure in music and sound, as each seven-minute track takes you on a journey through the seven chakra points. Like no other album you’ve heard before, Awakenings provides a natural and harmonious means of achieving total relaxation.
I worked with Dr John Pirie on this album, creating the perfect atmosphere for healing and balancing.
Many therapists - masseurs, Bowen Technique, chiropractors etc have said that Awakenings greatly assists their work on many levels.
If you're looking for music that truly helps you relax, or to meditate with, I think you will find Awakenings ideal.
Tony O’Connor
“Harmonic Induction using Chakra tones helps promote a balance and healing in the body’s energetic system. This exquisite recording accomplishes this to perfection.”
Dr John Pirie, Chiropractic Physician - Applied Kinesiologist
There are currently several differing theories relating to the use of musical tones in conjunction with re-energising Chakra points. There is much discussion on which scale to embrace, of which actual tones to use. While the acceptance of music to assist healing is an ancient craft, it has only been in recent years that dedicated studies have indeed been documents.
When I met Dr John Pirie, he and Alastair Pirie had for several years been using tones C to B for use in their chakra work - along with colour therapy - and they had met with enormous success. I was asked to reproduce in my studio the specific frequencies they had been utilizing.
After working on the tones, I witnessed the undoubtably beneficial qualities of meditating while listening to these specific frequencies. However being a musician, I couldn’t help but be inspired to also add music. My first thought was to replace the generated tones with the deeply soulful tones of the didgeridoo.
Even though the didgeridoo tone wavers in frequency, I had worked with this amazing instrument on earlier albums (Uluru, Kakadu, Windjana) and had always wanted to write a purely meditative album featuring that wonderfully resonating sound.
The album then is not necessarily a dedicated stody of exact frequencies - my work in this particular area has really only just begun. It is a musical adventure in sound and the effects of assigning different tones to each chakra energy point. There was certainly an emotive context added on my behalf. However after composing relaxation music for many years, I have to say that this album for me is probably the most relaxing piece of work I have ever completed.
There is a specific effect gained from moving through the scale and aligning with the body’s energy points that is extremely potent and indeed induces a shift in consciousness. I would suggest that this album would be ideal for anyone involved in the natural healing therapies. An aromatherapy bath would also be the perfect way to absorb the full experience.
It has been a magical journey producing Awakenings. The recording took place over three years and I quite literally used each session as a meditative expereince, either after a particularly long studio session or as a first recording for the day. I can only hope that you experience the same enjoyment when listening to the album as I did while writing it.
Not being a didgeridoo player I had used ‘samples’ on the original sessions. However in the last two years I have been working with a very talented musician, Matt James. After performing with Matt during a concert tour, it was clear to me that his understanding of harmonic movement and his soulful attunement to music of this style would add another dimension to Awakenings. The message of peace in all of Matt’s work is a joy to experience and I am honoured that he joins me on this album. And of course the quality of the true instrument is far more effective than the original digital samples.
When mastering this album, I mixed the audio specifically to be played at a nominal listening level. When playing the album, I recommend setting the volume to a level where the music is just audible and does not intrude. The volume of each instrument has been mixed quite specifically to highlight the base tone when appropriate and I feel that a gentle listening will provide the best results.
It can certainly be of benefit to listen to the tracks in order, moving from the root chakra to the crown chakra. However your choice of playing each piece in any order should still be effective.
On track 3, the solar plexus point, I have introduced a subtle rhythm, because I believe this particular energy point can benefit from a slightly more structured “feel”. The music on track 6, the brow or third eye point, became quite emotive and I have kept this intentially. While I was writing the piece this came very naturally each time I worked on it. So I decided to follow where the music was taking me.
I have deliberately avoided accentuating high frequencies when mixing the album to avoid listening fatigue. This fatigue can often occur when - as with most modern popular recordings - the higher frequencies are amplified, creating an unnaturally ‘thin’ sound, which in essence is somewhat detrimental to the listening experience. I have tried rather to maintain as natural a sound as possible. I hope that this assists in obtaining a more relaxed response from the listener.
I sincerely hope that you fine in Awakenings a useful and enjoyable experience in sound therapy. My wife and I personally play this album often, even during meetings and over dinner and each time it has offered us a different sensation. It has certainly helped us to focus and concentrate. We welcome any thoughts or comments you might have concerning this album.
My special thanks to Dr John Pirie and Dr Alastair Pirie for their contributions and invaluable assistance with the production of this album.
My Warmest Regards,
Tony O’Connor - June 1999